How can I clean a fountain pen that has been used infrequently and hence has dried out completely?
A: In a perfect word, the best practice is to empty a fountain pen of any ink before putting it away for an extended period of time if you do not intend to use it. However, if a fountain pen is left unused for a significant amount of time, the ink may dry out and cause the pen to become unusable.
Because the inks used in fountain pens are water-based, the pens themselves dry out as the water in the ink evaporates. Before you can clean the fountain pen, you will need to disassemble it first. This may be different depending on the type of fountain pen, as some fountain pens, such as those with a piston design, may require very little disassembly. When using a fountain pen that uses either cartridges or converters, remove either the cartridge or the converter from the pen.
How to Clean a Fountain Pen That Has Dried Out - Flush the Nib
After you have disassembled the pen, place the nib and feed part in a bowl of warm water to soak for a while. Put the pen all the way under the water. The amount of time necessary for the pen to soak will vary depending on how long you have let it sit. It's possible that you will need to let your pen alone overnight if it's been lying idle for a while. You might also need to use a pen flush to remove dried ink that is difficult to remove and particularly obstinate.
Can fountain pen write on any paper?
You may also use a bulb syringe to flush the pen by inserting it into the feed area of the pen. As you continue to flow water through the pen, the water will eventually become transparent rather than remaining the color of the ink. After the water has been drained and the sediment has been removed, the nib and feed portion will be ready for use.
Use a gentle towel to dry the nib together with the pen. Keep in mind that certain paper towels may cause your nib or pen to become scratched. We suggest using a plush towel made of microfiber. After the pen has had enough time to dry, you can reassemble it and fill it with ink to get it ready for use again.

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