Almost every book on self-help and every expert who appears on daytime talk programs recommends journaling in some form or another as a tool for fostering self-discovery and personal development. There is a wealth of information available on the best way to keep a diary, some of it is helpful while the majority of it is not.
The study on the advantages of keeping a journal has produced contradictory findings. Keeping a record of your thoughts, emotions, and experiences might be therapeutic at times, but more often than not, it just makes matters more difficult. It is likely to be harmful if it seeks to assist you in "knowing yourself" in isolation, but it may be beneficial if it leads to a deeper awareness of, and a change in behavior associated with, your relationships with other people.
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Keeping a journal has the potential to have a beneficial impact on your behavior and overall well-being if it:
Forces you to take a step back and critically examine your ideas, feelings, and actions.
Explores solutions
Brings your feelings and your motives into harmony with the things that are most important to you.
Changes negative energy into good energy that may be used for development and creativity
Reduces the emotional intensity of your reactions to other people
It helps you perceive other people's viewpoints alongside your own, which makes you feel more empathetic, and it increases your tolerance for ambiguity, ambivalence, and unpredictability, all of which are components of regular existence.
Assists you in deciding on a certain course of action.
Your conduct and overall well-being may suffer as a result of keeping a journal if the following conditions are met:
Causes you to become an observer of your own life rather than an active participant (since you are thinking about how you will capture it rather than enjoying what is occurring).
Makes you self-obsessed
Becomes a vehicle of blame instead of answers
Take all of the bad things that have occurred to you and wallow in them.
The following is a guide that will help you get the advantages of journaling while avoiding the difficulties that may come along with it.
1. Sit down with a piece of paper and pen and jot down a few phrases describing an issue or a bad sentiment that you think should be expressed.
You should make an effort to examine your ideas, feelings, and actions from an objective perspective.
Would you still have the same opinion if you were more at ease?
Are you able to transform the destructive force of this event into constructive creative endeavors and personal development?
Would you feel the same if you were fully in touch with your underlying values?
Are you behaving in a way that is congruent with the sort of person you want to be and the values that you hold most dear?
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2. In a few phrases, explain how the above description aligns with your most fundamental principles and goals.
3. Consider the following and write a few lines on each of them:
What lessons can you take away from this situation?
How can you improve as a result of going through this?
How is it that the things you've learnt can make the world a better place, and how can they make you a better person?
Can you accept a certain level of uncertainty or lack of clarity on this matter?
Is it OK to experience a range of emotions in response to the situation that you just described?
Are you able to boost your self-assurance to the point where you feel you might handle the worst-case situation, should it occur?
Do you have a plan of action should the worst-case scenario happen?
To what extent does your issue description take into account the viewpoints of other people?
What account of the events would they give?
Which of their fundamental wounds, such as feeling insignificant, guilty, undervalued, weak, inadequate, or unlovable, may they be experiencing or avoiding?
Are you treating others with the humanity and compassion that you want to have?
Do you believe the other persons engaged in the events you described to be more weak than harsh or evil?
4. Describe the steps that you intend to take to change the situation that you just outlined.
If you are unable to modify the circumstance itself, explain what you can do to enhance your experience of it; that is, how you can make it more pleasurable or less distressing for yourself.

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